Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Stony Ridge Equine Retirement Center

Daisy and Friend




I cruised back through my blog and I see that I never blogged about my trip to the Stony Ridge Equine Retirement Center run partially by April Dimico. April Helped me out tremendously during my equine photography class when she allowed me to wander the pastures of her farm. Even though I have a strong love for horses, I know very few people that own them locally.

All of the horses on April's farm are retired. Either they had some sort of injury during their various careers or they are at the end of their career and were therefore retired by their owners. I find this to be an amazingly generous "gift" that the owners of these horses have given them. It takes a lot of character and good heartedness to take care of a horse in this way the rest of his days.
It was wonderful to me to be able to just wander around a pasture, being mobbed by 15 or more friendly horses. They all wanted to see what I had, what I was doing, and if I had any peppermints. April kept having to hold onto them while I walked far enough away to take a photo. My friend Anna also came with me and we had a wonderful time!

I had a chance in October to go back to her farm but it rained that day and I haven't had time to go back there since. I'm hoping we'll get a bit of snow sometime in December and I can go photograph the horses then.
I have more photos but I'll save them for tomorrow :-) Happy Wednesday!


~Jenn ODonnell Danza~ said...

Wandering in a paddock with 15 friendly horses all wanting to be near you? Ok...Im bookin a flight now and coming down. That sounds like an amazing experience.

jewelstreet said...

That sounds like a truly fantastic trip! I would love to have been there with you. Those horses are gorgeous and bless your friend for taking care of the retired horses.

My fave is that 3rd pic. Though, the one with Daisy being saucy is a good one too.

MaricrisG said...

Like a nursing home but for horses. That is really neat! I wish I live near, I'd be there in a heartbeat.

The Happy Mom said...

That is really cool! You're a very talented photographer, the photos are STUNNING! :)

The Blonde Duck said...

I want to go there.....It sounds lovely!