Monday, November 17, 2008

A rare moment.... (#1)

I'm calling this a rare moment #1 because in life, there are a lot of rare moments. I'm just going to number the ones I talk about so that I can keep track.

Last night, munchkin and I were driving home right around sunset. It has been cloudy for days here which means that photography is a futile effort, unless I want to take dark pictures of fallen leaves. (no thank you!) I had never seen neon colors occur naturally in nature until last night. In fact, I didn't think it happened..

There was a weather front just pulling out and there was very strong pinkish/reddish light in certain places just under a line of clouds. We drove down a street with old, tall trees and all of the trees had neon pink leaves at the tops and the rest of the trees were dark! It was so magical and I kicked myself for not having my camera with me. (it is always a huge decision for me - do I be obsessive and bring my camera with me or leave it at home) By the time I got home, the sun had set and I couldn't get any pictures. Needless to say, I am very disappointed in myself. Next time that camera is coming with me!!

So to console myself for not having any pictures of that rare moment, above is a rare moment of another sort. If you've been reading my blog all summer (and I don't think a soul has until now) you know that I was obsessed with the Ruby Throated hummingbirds that frequented my Black and Blue Salvia bush underneath the laundry room window. I left my camera on the dryer right by the window and I would go check every so often for the hummingbirds. Photographing a hummingbird without a feeder is an extremely difficult task, so I'm pretty pleased I got any decent pictures of them at all! I had less than a minute to snap away and hope that something was in focus or in frame. The hummingbird happened to fly in front of one of the yellow flowers next to the bush and I was able to snap away and get the above picture! I was so proud!

Today I have to fill out and mail invitations for my Son's first birthday next month. (Instead of photographing anything or going in the studio) I can't believe it's been a year. It's been both the longest and shortest year of my life..!
I am not a social butterfly(In fact, I'm a certified hermit) and planning a party of any sort is a huge stretch for me. I've already gotten the decorations but I'm still mulling over the cake and food to serve. If I was working, I swear I'd just hire a party planner to do this stuff...
PS. if you ever want a print of any photos on my blog, please visit my website or you can just comment and I'll get back to you.


Knit Purl Gurl said...

Thanks for visiting my blog earlier! You said you were jealous of my knitting 'foo,' but I'm jealous of your photo 'foo!' I love your photos!!

Mandy said...

THanks for sharing the saucy love! Your photos are gorgeous! It has been forever since I have been on a horse. I think I need to ride again....

Michelle said...

Thanks for stopping by today. Your pictures are great.

Anonymous said...

That is so awesome!

And I love planning parties, especially kid ones!!!

sassy stephanie said...

Oh wow. So very cool. I so need something other than my six year old little digital camera!

Thanks for sharing in my SITS day with me!

Aunt Julie said...

Wow...I just love hummingbirds. So dainty and delicate, yet so resilient and strong! Hey, I'm over from SITS, and I'm making the rounds. Gotta Great Giveaway over at my place...please stop by when you can!

lynette355 said...

Hello fellow SITS-er. I had to look around here. And almost posted with daisy as it was a beautiful photograph. But the hummingbird won out. How beautiful.
Happy Turkey day to you.