Wednesday, November 26, 2008

More about the Poor Kitties..

I know, it's more than just slightly lame that I'm just posting cat pictures. Especially pictures of my own cats.. But I want you to see the horribly way that they're treated. Truly less than royal by their standards I'm sure...

This is poor sahara having a quick nap...

As always, if you like any of the pictures you see and would like prints, you can find them at or you can email me at and I'll find them for you.


The Blonde Duck said...

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Save some turkey for the cat.

Sandy said...

Thank you for stopping by! I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving:)

Junita said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you as well! I have two rescued brothers too and they were our babies until our most recent human baby! Now they think the baby is theirs.