Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Heather Moreton-Abounader Photography's photostream

Miniature Scale Arabian Show HalterMiniature Scale Arabian Show HalterIMG_6202IMG_5592IMG_56081IMG_57621
Krypton-Seni IIKrypton-Seni IIPolo At the Kentucky HOrse ParkPolo At the Kentucky HOrse ParkPolo At the Kentucky HOrse ParkPolo At the Kentucky HOrse Park
IMG_6257Polo At the Kentucky HOrse ParkPolo At the Kentucky HOrse ParkPolo At the Kentucky HOrse ParkPolo At the Kentucky HOrse ParkPinto HOrse with Boa
Pinto Horse with BOaPalomino Kentucky Mountain horseHalf Arabian Pinto Stallion, Black Tie AffairHalf Arabian Pinto Stallion, Black Tie AffairHalf Arabian Pinto Stallion, Black Tie AffairSato, Sabino Palomino Purebred Thoroughbred

More Breyerfest Photos, Polo Photos and a miniature scale arabian show halter that I made

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Heather Abounader Photography's photostream

Sato Throroughbred Palomino Sabino StallionSato, Throroughbred Palomino, sabino, stallionSato, Throroughbred Palomino Sabino StallionSato - throroughbred palomino sabino stallionSato - Palomino sabino Purebred Thoroughbred StallionSato - Palomino sabino Purebred Thoroughbred Stallion
Sato - Palomino sabino Purebred Thoroughbred StallionIMG_61551IMG_59711I believe that this is the Andalusian Stallion PecosIMG_58761dusty
IMG_54961IMG_62212Sato - Palomino sabino Purebred Thoroughbred Stalliongorgeous little fleabitten grey welsh(?)ANdalusian Stallion getting a bath and enjoying the water on a hot day at the Kentucky Horse ParkIMG_57761

If anyone is left watching this blog.. I've uploaded a ton of photos to Flickr..