Saturday, September 27, 2008

Post office horses

On Thursday evening, I ended up going "horse lookin" after all. I was having a "moment" of feeling creative and a bit irritated. I do sometimes have a typical "artists temperment" and I get all moody. Sometimes this works to my favor. I left the house right around sunset and drove by the tiny post office on "main street" Eastwood. As I mentioned previously, there is a monument of some sort within a horse pasture right across the street. This time the same dappled grey horse (a mare I found out) that I had photographed last time was there along with her buddy a flaxen chestnut pinto. (forgive me, I get tobiano, overo, tovero etc confused so I'm not exactly sure what this horse was) Both horses are probably 15hands or under. I "think" that the grey is a welsh of some sort because her head is not arab-y at all. Her ears are very tippy though. (wish they'd brush her mane but it does make photographing her interesting)

Although there wasn't as much sunset sunlight on the pair as I had hoped, I did manage to use the light to my advantage. I accidently had my ISO wayyy up on 800 because I was shooting pictures of my son indoors earlier in the day but the 800 ISO worked out fine. The one problem that I find with my Rebel XTI 400D is that it's images are a lot noiser than I would prefer. The ISO up on 800 certainly didn't help that fact but it gave me the shutter speed that I needed while using a F7.1 aperature.

I didn't get very many images of the Pinto that I liked tremendously but as usual, the grey's coat reflected the light beautifully. Note to self, don't photograph colored horses in the shade.. LOL!

The Grey has lost a lot of her dark coloring over the course of the summer and I find it interesting that she has lightened so much. I'm glad that I got a photograph or two of her while she still had that dark dappled grey coat.

I would like to try to go shoot some polo tomorrow but my poor hubby is ill so I'll probably end up staying home. (we don't want the baby to get sick too).

Next weekend is the "St James Court Art Show" which is the second largest art fair in the country. 7 or 8 full city blocks of every kind of art you could imagine! It is simultaneously inspiring and overwhelming to me. I hate going by myself but I find that I don't normally have anyone to go with. If I get to talk about the art with someone, It helps me stave off being overwhelmed. I may try to bring munchkin with me but we'll see.

I do daydream about having a booth at St James. I can never make enough miniature tack to sell in a booth so I'm hoping that someday I can sell my photographs instead.

I would dearly like to get up into my studio this weekend so wish me luck!

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