Monday, September 29, 2008

Mistakes = Learning

Used to be that I was really afraid of making mistakes. I was so insecure that when I made a mistake, and someone tried to help me by constructively pointing it out, I would get all bent out of shape. Now I know that if someone actually takes the time to constructively point out my mistake (and I of course value their opinion) It is a gift.

Yesterday, I sat on the wrong side of the polo field for lighting. I used a shutter speed of 500 and let it pick it's own fstop. It mostly used f4 - f5.6 with an occasional 7.1 or even 11 thrown in. This made most of my photos very contrasty. On the one hand, it wasn't really what I was going for. On the other hand, the photos look kinda cool! So I'll be popping that tidbit into my brain for creative photography in the future.

I also tried a lot of panning to show movement.

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